I am a nature photographer and I specialize in underwater photography. I live in New Jersey and a lot of my work is done in the cold waters of the Atlantic Ocean. It is an interesting place to work but it certainly isn’t an ideal location for underwater photography. On many days, I reach the bottom and there is little to no visibility. Those are the discouraging days. There are also days that are incredible. They are the ones that keep me going. I have a wonderful wife, Veronica, a terrific son, Thomas (who is recovering from a traumatic brain injury and was in the HBO Documentary – COMA) and a wonderful daughter-in-law, Lynda.
Veronica is the person that has made every thing that I do possible. She is with me always and knows exactly what to do and when to do it. She is my biggest supporter and my harshest critic. I couldn’t imagine life without her. I have ventured into parts of the world that I have only dreamed of and seen some incredible marine life. At the age of 73, I have taken up droning and have found a new magical world to explore.