We left Topeka, KS and headed for Oswego, KS, the home of the OZ Museum, as in the Wizard of Oz. We crossed the Kansas River and entered the town of Oswego.

There was a huge street fair going on. We couldn’t park anywhere near the Oz Museum but as luck would have it, all the OZ characters were in front of the museum. Ronnie’s favorite is the Tin Man who agreed to pose for us.

We wanted to get on the road, so we visited the museum and then headed on our way as we are running a little behind on our schedule. That is okay. If we are tight getting to Moab, we will skip Mt. Rushmore and then go there after we visit the parks in Utah.
When we went through Ellsworth, KS, we saw hundreds and hundreds of windmills. It must be a good place as most of them were spinning away. They seemed to go on forever.

Our final stop for the day was in Hays, KS. While we were charging, we walked to a nearby Walmart to stock up on supplies. On our way there, we saw an incredible 1948 Oldsmobile Eight Woody. It was beautiful beyond compare.

Tomorrow, the adventure continues.
© 2023, Herb Segars. All rights reserved.